Agenda Detail


Low Vision Symposium

Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin, Av de France 15, 1004 Lausanne, 25.04.2024, 11:21 - 11:22 h

Mme Fatima Anaflous, Fondation Asile des Aveugles: “Current trends in low vision research”


Prof. Ruth Van Nispen, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands): “E-health intervention to improve fatigue in adults with visual impairment. Results from a randomized controlled trial”


Prof. Naomi Dale, University College London (UK): “Cognitive, behavioural and neuropsychological characteristics and interventions in children with low vision”


Prof. Fiona Rowe, University of Liverpool (UK): "Visual impairment due to stroke”


Prof. Susana Chung, University of California, Berkeley (USA): “Cortical adaptation and plasticity in response to vision loss”


Prof. Joost Heutink, University of Groningen (Netherlands): “Assessment and treatment of vision problems due to brain pathologies”



Prof. Silvio Mariotti, World Health Organization (Switzerland): “Creation ow vision rehabilitation services”


Prof. Gianni Virgili, University of Florence (Italy): “A global health perspective on the impact of vision impairment on people’s life experience”


Internal speaker of HOJG: “Low Vision Rehab at HOJG”


Prof. Els Ortibus, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium): “Assessment and Rehabilitation in Cerebral Visual Impairment”


Prof. Bernhard Sabel, University of Magdeburg (Germany): “Neuromodulation with microcurrent stimulation for low vision restoration and rehabilitation”


Prof. Ahalya Subramanian, City University of London (UK): “Assistive technologies for the management of individuals with low vision”


Dr Charles Baur, EPFL (Switzerland): “New technologies for low vision management”


Sponsored by: Roche, Alcon, Haag-Streit Schweiz, Innova Health, mediconsult, Oertli Ophthalmedic, Théa, Abbvie, Bauch&Lomb, Heidelberg Engineering, Johnson&Johnson, Medilas, OmniVision, Santen, TRB, Visavi, Zeiss, Apellis, Neurolite, Frontiers.


How to best help people with low vision? The Low Vision Symposium provides the venue to link the latest scientific discoveries in low vision research with innovative interventional procedures for the management of impairments due to low vision. Starting from the assessment of the behavioural consequences of low vision, the symposium will highlight the neuropsychological aspects affected by low vision, the modifications in the brain dynamics brought by low vision, up to the current and exploratory clinical protocols to treat the different deficits associated with low vision. Talks will be given in English. The symposium ends with the attribution of a Young Investigator Award to the best student presentations in human vision neuroscience, neuro-ophthalmology, or any related discipline.

Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin, Av de France 15, 1004 Lausanne
Silvio IONTA, Diego GHEZZI